CSR Impact Stories
CSR Impact Stories

Nandini and Aarti’s Inspiring Path to Financial Stability Through Vocational Training
Nandini and Aarti faced the daunting challenge of supporting their father through his battle with cancer. Despite their own struggles, they chose to enrol in vocational training programs offered by VTI-Talala. With determination and support, they pursued courses aligned with their interests, aiming to secure stable employment and ease their family’s financial burden.

From Data Entry to HR Leadership: Narendra’s Inspiring Career Transition
Narendra started his career as a computer operator in Steelcon Impex Pvt through the support of VTI-Talala. His job primarily involved managing data entry, ensuring systems ran smoothly, and providing technical support to colleagues.

From Daily Struggles to a Promising Career with GHCL VTI’s Support
Baya belongs to an underprivileged family; her father is an agriculture daily wage labourer, and her mother takes care of the household.

Breaking Barriers: From Labourer to Marketing Executive
Rupesh Hirabhai Parmar belongs to Lati village from Sutrapada Taluka. His father is a Mason and his mother is a housewife. Rupesh had to drop out of regular studies and completed 12th standard from open school because of his weak financial conditions. He was working with his father as a labourer.

VTI’s Impact in Building Confidence and Transforming Lives
Maya Rajabhai Jethwa stays with 5 members of her family in Sutrapada and her father is engaged in agriculture work. She got to know about GHCL Foundation VTI through one of her friends and decided to join the Sewing Machine Operator (SMO) course. Maya has a master’s degree in commerce but was always interested in tailoring and fashion. After completing her SMO course she got a job at Welspun India Ltd. with a salary of Rs. 11000/- plus food and accommodation.

Empowered by Education: Village Boy’s Journey from VTI Training to Success
Jay Pampaniya belongs to Nakhda village of Veraval block. There are 14 members in his family. His father is a small-scale farmer. After completing his school education, he wanted to pursue further studies but could not afford to wait 3 years to finish the degree and start earning. He got to know about GHCL VTI, Sutrapada and took admission in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) course. After completing the course, he got a job at Starbus Steel Industries, Morbi with a salary of 13,000 along with accommodation.

A Daughter Transforms Future with VTI Training
Chetna Shudra belongs to Sutrapada village and her father is a daily wage labourer. She graduated in 2020 and was in search of a job for 2 years but was unable to find one. She came to know about GHCL VTI through our social media page and took admission in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) course. After completion of her course the VTI placement cell helped her in getting a job in Spizen Bathware Industries, Morbi with a salary of 11,000 along with accommodation facilities.

From a farming background to the prestigious role of HR head
Viren Kamaliya, a VTI Talala BPO trainee, has defied the odds and achieved remarkable success on his journey from a farming background to the prestigious role of HR head at Maruti Suzuki’s Atul Enterprise in Rajkot.

From Humble Beginnings to Heroic Service: A Journey to General Duty Assistant
Vaishali Rathod lives in Mumbai but is a native of Delvada village of Una block. She stays with her parents and five siblings. Her father is a construction worker and her mother is a sweeper in a hospital. Vaishali always wanted to support her family. She heard about GHCL VTI Jafrabad and came to Delvada during Diwali and decided to visit the centre.

Helping Jayesh continue his Education
Jayesh lives in a village in Port Victor, very close to GHCL’s SMCD division. There are five members in the family which includes two school going siblings. His father is a casual driver and mother is a seasonal farm labourer. Jayesh had completed his SSC some years back and wanted to continue studying further. But because he was the eldest son he was forced to give up his dreams and start earning for the family. There were many days, when all he could think of was that he did not even have the right to dream.

Kannan- Life beyond Pain
Mr. Kannan, a tailor by profession lives in Thenur village close to our Madurai unit of yarn division in Tamilnadu. There are three people in the family including a son studying in college. Kannan is the sole breadwinner and works very hard at the age of 50 to sustain his family.

The reason for Manisha’s interest in studies
My name is Manisha, I am studying in class-8th in Primary School, Vadhera, Jafrabad, Gujarat. Earlier I could not read or write. Calculations involving addition or division or multiplication were unimaginable. I could not cope with the syllabus of my class. Going to school and learning became so boring for me. I would pass my time talking to other students and teachers would scold me.

Bringing Quality Healthcare in Access
Old age can be accompanied with diabetes and blood pressure. These lifestyle diseases are very common and most people are likely to have at least one known person who is suffering from these ailments. We came across one such person suffering from diabetes and hypertension who was in dire need of help.

Amisha wants to be a fashion designer
19 year old Amisha belongs to Jafrabad near to GHCL’s salt yards in Gujarat. They are five members in the family and her father is working as a security guard. Her parents want her to study Science, but she does not have an aptitude and interest for it. Hence she was unable to pass the HSC exam in the Science stream. She became very depressed and confined herself to her house.

A story of Lataben
I am Lata and I live in Vadodara-Zala near GHCL’s Soda Ash Plant, Sutrapada in Gujarat. We are five members in the family including three school going children. We had migrated to Rajkot for better education and livelihood in the urban area. We worked hard for 7 years but survival was very tough. Hope for good time gives energy to face struggle. But, my husband had a paralytic stroke five years ago. I was struggling for his treatment and survival in the city.

Prema from Sangipatti says something
Prema, a resident of Sangippatti village of F.Keelayur panchayat at Manapparai. She is a graduate and has a child. Her husband works in a garment factory.
Her husband’s salary was not sufficient to meet all the needs of the family. Plus, Prema wanted to support him. She heard about the various skill trainings being conducted by GHCL Foundation in her village.

Dhirubhai says “I do not want to be a cause of cancer”
Dhirubhai lives in village Rabarika, in the district Amreli, Gujarat. He is engaged in agriculture since last 21 years. He was using chemical fertilizer, pesticides because he wanted to have a higher yield of crops which would subsequently mean earning more money.

Jayaben says “I am empowered in multiple ways”
Jayaben lives in Sutrapada near GHCL’s Soda Ash plant. She is a member of a Self Help Group promoted by GHCL Foundation.
Jayaben has many responsibilities. She helps on the farm, takes care of livestock, cares for her bedridden mother-in-law and does all the domestic chores too. Initially, she was unable to attend the SHG meetings and GHCL’s training and exposure visits.

Veljibhai lives healthy & dignified life alone
72 years old Vejljibhai is living in our SMCD village Devpara- Bherai of Rajula block, Gujarat.
Veljibhai’s family was dependent on retail labour. He had three children and a wife in his family. His wife died 15 years ago. He shouldered the responsibility of raising and marrying off the children. His sons settled in other villages for livelihood. He married his youngest daughter four years ago, and since then he was living alone.

How SHG helps Manishaben?
Manishaben lives in Valvada village near GHCL Home Textile plant, Bhilad. She belongs to a tribal family. She had joined women SHG (Self Help Group) initiated by GHCL Foundation and started small savings. She always attends meetings, training and exposure tours with enthusiasm.

A story of Pragyaben & Jay Bhole Mahila Vikas Mandal (SHG)
Pragyaben lives in Nakhda village near GHCL’s limestone mining area of the Soda Ash division, Sutrapada. She was married at 15 to a man who was unemployed and a drunkard. It became difficult for her to survive due to the domestic violence. So, she came back to her parents’ house when she realised that she was pregnant.

The new experiment of sandalwood farming by a marginalize farmer
Prafulbhai is a young marginal farmer who lives in Ajotha village near GHCL Soda Ash plant, Sutrapada, Gujarat. His father Bhikhabhai was used to farming with the traditional methods on a small land of five bigha (less than a hectare). People of this area depend on agriculture and earn their livelihood by growing 2-3 seasons of crop during the year. Prafulbhai has been practicing organic farming for the last 5 years.

Savitaben is 75 years old and lives in Karambele village near GHCL’s Home Textile plant in Bhilad, Gujarat. When her husband and only son passed away 13 years ago, she was left alone, but didn’t not lose heart and accepted life the way it was. She began making bamboo baskets and also worked as house help.

Nal Se Jal – Unique women of Alidhra Village
Good health depends on pure drinking water but its availability is difficult in many coastal and remote villages. So, the GHCL Foundation decided to intervene and address the issue. Working in association with WASMO (Water & Sanitation Management Organisation) an institution of the Government of Guajrat, GHCL Foundation initiated a project ‘NAL SE JAL’, to insure the accessibility of pure drinking water in every household.

KHUSHI-Her smile has infected all
Khushi is 9 years old and lives in a joint family in a small hamlet in Kathivadar Para near GHCL Salt Division, Port Victor, Gujarat. Her father is a driver and mother works as a labourer in salt yards. Her grandparents also live with them and Khushi helps her old grandmother with cooking and domestic chores. One day, while cooking she slipped near the fireplace and severely burnt her leg.

Laxmi has changed her life
20 year old Laxmi belongs to Kadiyali village near GHCL’s Salt works at Jafrabad, Gujarat. Her father is a labourer. When she got married, she had lots of dreams but very soon, she lost her husband in a road accident.

I became Sarpanch of my village
My name is Kalpna and I live in village Valvada near GHCL Home Textile Division, Bhilad, Gujarat.
I am a housewife belonging to a tribal family. 6 years earlier, I got an opportunity to join the women’s Self Help Group promoted by GHCL Foundation.

Laduben’s dedicated daughter – Manisha
60 year old Laduben lives in the coastal village of Chanch near GHCL’s Salt division at Port Victor in Gujarat. She is a widow with locomotor disability and has a daughter who is 19 and married within the village, and a son who keeps moving from one place to another for labour work. So, Laduben is mostly alone at home.

Suffering of baby Kajal
3 year old Kajal lives in the coastal village Chanch near GHCL Salt works in Gujarat. Her parents are labourers and her old grandmother takes care of her at home. Some time back Kajal was suffering from chickenpox. Her family believed that it was ‘SHITLA MATA ROG’, an ailment due the wrath of Goddess Shitla mata, and they tried many home remedies.
Rakhuben resides in the coastal village Vadodara Zala near GHCL Soda Ash plant, Sutrapada, Gujarat.
She lives in a joint family with her two married sons, grand son and husband. This is a marginalized
farmer family and depends on agriculture and animal husbandry.

Kiran says “farming is the way of living my life”
Kiran Patel lives in Borigaon, a village near GHCL Home Textile division. After completing his education, he decided to find a job for himself so that he could support his family but was unable to find a suitable job opening for himself.
“Today, we have a webinar”
The COVID-19 pandemic forced everyone across the country to remain indoors. Confined to the four walls along with their family, the only source of information for them was the television. The news they were exposed to was only about the increasing number of cases and deaths.
Agony of a Mother
GhughabhaiVegad hails from a small village near GHCL’s Salt Division at Port Victor in Gujarat. Ghughabhai wanted to construct a toilet in his house. He was concerned for his old mother who had to go out everyday to answer the call of nature.
“I am not helpless” says, Devi
85 year old ‘DeviMaa’ lives in Garbha village in Gir-Somnath District close to GHCL’s Soda Ash division. ‘Devi Maa’ is a widow and suffers from a disability which has restricted her movement. She has two daughters who are married and two sons who work as daily wagers in city.
The Migrants
People from the salt yards near the Coastline of Rajula and Jafrabad blocks of Gujarat often move as seasonal migrants with their children for earning a livelihood. Migrating to places for earning is good as it makes people financially independent. However, due to this, the children and elderly family members have to suffer.
Nurturing the kids in times of COVID 19
The outbreak of COVID 19 forced people under strict lockdown. The primary concern was to protect our children and elderly from being exposed to the virus, as they were the most vulnerable ones.
Bhavana – A Corona warrior
Bhavana, 22 years old used to reside in village Sultanpur, Una block near GHCL Salt Marine and Chemical division, Gujarat.
It took little compassion and love to change Jigu from a silent and non-participative girl to a cheerful student.
Kailasha – The Wonder Boy
“Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.” (Theodore Roosevelt). The story of Kailasha is a great example of dedicated efforts towards success.
Balu– Leading life with strength and courage
A small gesture of support can make someone feel that we care and this gives them the strength to fulfil their desires with their efforts. This was the approach adopted to help Balu’s family think ahead about having a better sanitation facility in their house.
The joy of fulfilling family needs (The Agony of a Mother)
Trying to meet the expectations and fulfil the needs of those you love brings a pleasure that is priceless.
One of the most important things we can do in our lives is learn and use our skills to help others. Vanita always believed that new learnings will open the doors of opportunity for her and she was right.
Independent Jaysukh
Determination and belief enables a person to be goal oriented, righteousand independent. An understanding of one’s strengths and limitations coupled with confidence can bring about great transformation.
Jigar Patel, A self-reliant young man
His confidence in the face of hardship was driven by the ability to let go of the negativity that held him back and gradually with his hard work he was able to flourish.
The quality of life in the future is clearly in our hands. There is no doubt that great changes are coming our way. When we are determined, we can change our quality of life.
Coconut Farming:A Unique Pension Plan
Planning your life is one of the most powerful and effective ways to attain what you want. Nobody plans to fail; they simply fail to plan.
I am my Boss!
When we feel that the occupation we are into is not giving us desired career satisfaction, then an in-depth research and meeting people who work in the area of our interest can give us new ideas to move ahead.
Sunitaben Patel – A women entrepreneur
We aspire to become something and shape our goals for better life ahead. Such were Sunitaben’s thoughts that helped her empower herself and secure the future of herself and her family.

KHUSHI-Her smile has infected all
Khushi is 9 years old and lives in a joint family in a small hamlet in Kathivadar Para near GHCL Salt Division, Port Victor, Gujarat. Her father is a driver and mother works as a labourer in salt yards. Her grandparents also live with them and Khushi helps her old grandmother with cooking and domestic chores. One day, while cooking she slipped near the fireplace and severely burnt her leg.

Laxmi has changed her life
20 year old Laxmi belongs to Kadiyali village near GHCL’s Salt works at Jafrabad, Gujarat. Her father is a labourer. When she got married, she had lots of dreams but very soon, she lost her husband in a road accident.

I became Sarpanch of my village
My name is Kalpna and I live in village Valvada near GHCL Home Textile Division, Bhilad, Gujarat.
I am a housewife belonging to a tribal family. 6 years earlier, I got an opportunity to join the women’s Self Help Group promoted by GHCL Foundation.

Laduben’s dedicated daughter – Manisha
60 year old Laduben lives in the coastal village of Chanch near GHCL’s Salt division at Port Victor in Gujarat. She is a widow with locomotor disability and has a daughter who is 19 and married within the village, and a son who keeps moving from one place to another for labour work. So, Laduben is mostly alone at home.

Suffering of baby Kajal
3 year old Kajal lives in the coastal village Chanch near GHCL Salt works in Gujarat. Her parents are labourers and her old grandmother takes care of her at home. Some time back Kajal was suffering from chickenpox. Her family believed that it was ‘SHITLA MATA ROG’, an ailment due the wrath of Goddess Shitla mata, and they tried many home remedies.
Rakhuben resides in the coastal village Vadodara Zala near GHCL Soda Ash plant, Sutrapada, Gujarat.
She lives in a joint family with her two married sons, grand son and husband. This is a marginalized
farmer family and depends on agriculture and animal husbandry.

Kiran says “farming is the way of living my life”
Kiran Patel lives in Borigaon, a village near GHCL Home Textile division. After completing his education, he decided to find a job for himself so that he could support his family but was unable to find a suitable job opening for himself.
“Today, we have a webinar”
The COVID-19 pandemic forced everyone across the country to remain indoors. Confined to the four walls along with their family, the only source of information for them was the television. The news they were exposed to was only about the increasing number of cases and deaths.
Agony of a Mother
GhughabhaiVegad hails from a small village near GHCL’s Salt Division at Port Victor in Gujarat. Ghughabhai wanted to construct a toilet in his house. He was concerned for his old mother who had to go out everyday to answer the call of nature.
“I am not helpless” says, Devi
85 year old ‘DeviMaa’ lives in Garbha village in Gir-Somnath District close to GHCL’s Soda Ash division. ‘Devi Maa’ is a widow and suffers from a disability which has restricted her movement. She has two daughters who are married and two sons who work as daily wagers in city.
The Migrants
People from the salt yards near the Coastline of Rajula and Jafrabad blocks of Gujarat often move as seasonal migrants with their children for earning a livelihood. Migrating to places for earning is good as it makes people financially independent. However, due to this, the children and elderly family members have to suffer.
Nurturing the kids in times of COVID 19
The outbreak of COVID 19 forced people under strict lockdown. The primary concern was to protect our children and elderly from being exposed to the virus, as they were the most vulnerable ones.
Bhavana – A Corona warrior
Bhavana, 22 years old used to reside in village Sultanpur, Una block near GHCL Salt Marine and Chemical division, Gujarat.
It took little compassion and love to change Jigu from a silent and non-participative girl to a cheerful student.
Kailasha – The Wonder Boy
“Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.” (Theodore Roosevelt). The story of Kailasha is a great example of dedicated efforts towards success.
Balu– Leading life with strength and courage
A small gesture of support can make someone feel that we care and this gives them the strength to fulfil their desires with their efforts. This was the approach adopted to help Balu’s family think ahead about having a better sanitation facility in their house.
The joy of fulfilling family needs (The Agony of a Mother)
Trying to meet the expectations and fulfil the needs of those you love brings a pleasure that is priceless.
One of the most important things we can do in our lives is learn and use our skills to help others. Vanita always believed that new learnings will open the doors of opportunity for her and she was right.
Independent Jaysukh
Determination and belief enables a person to be goal oriented, righteousand independent. An understanding of one’s strengths and limitations coupled with confidence can bring about great transformation.
Jigar Patel, A self-reliant young man
His confidence in the face of hardship was driven by the ability to let go of the negativity that held him back and gradually with his hard work he was able to flourish.
The quality of life in the future is clearly in our hands. There is no doubt that great changes are coming our way. When we are determined, we can change our quality of life.
Coconut Farming:A Unique Pension Plan
Planning your life is one of the most powerful and effective ways to attain what you want. Nobody plans to fail; they simply fail to plan.
I am my Boss!
When we feel that the occupation we are into is not giving us desired career satisfaction, then an in-depth research and meeting people who work in the area of our interest can give us new ideas to move ahead.
Sunitaben Patel – A women entrepreneur
We aspire to become something and shape our goals for better life ahead. Such were Sunitaben’s thoughts that helped her empower herself and secure the future of herself and her family.